Comfort Food for Thought

"Comforting Words for your Spirit"

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Failing Forward

I recognize that as a human being I will make mistakes in my life. I will fail in my life because failure is a part of life. It is the fear of failure that stops most of us from moving forward; from not taking those steps to move our life in the direction we want.

Failing is about trying. It is about having the faith and trust that even if we fail we have done our best. We have set our intention, we have acted upon our decision, and we are open to receiving feedback. Positive feedback is getting the exact reflection of what we expected; negative feedback is recognizing we made a mistake.

However, failure can be viewed as getting constructive feedback that what we’re doing isn’t working and we need to make corrections. It is how we receive that feedback that determines whether we look at failure as personal or impersonal. Failure is about ‘what we do’, not ‘who we are’!.

So, take that step and don’t be afraid to ‘Fail Foward’!